Tjing Tjing Rooftop Bar, CBD
Thumbs Up Thumbs Down: Thumbs Up
Price Range: Medium to High (About R35 for a glass of the cheapest red wine)
Type: Light Restaurant / cocktail bar /After work Drinks
Crowd: Eclectic because it is on long street but typically 30’s chilled working crowd and a little hipster
Service: What service? Unless you have breasts, you will wait!
Day Of the Week: Tuesday 17:30
Time: Friday or Saturday nights
Address: Longmarket Street (between Loop and Long Street)
Specials: Don’t think so!
Unique Aspects:
Tjing Tjing is about 1 of 3 places which I choose to go to on Long Street. It bears an Indonesian interior with an Austrian style pitched wooden roof and stylishly crafted open-air area! It is very much a bar for the 25+ working class with a slightly more affluent accent.
Website: http://tjingtjing.co.za/
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